Three curators, Bettina Brunner, Kathy Noble and Francesco Pedraglio, present fictional guided tours of Auto-Italia through the medium of writing. The guided tour, an established museological convention, is used here as a means to visit exhibitions that don't exist. The tours will be permanently available, as three alternatives to the exhibition on show, for as long as Auto-Italia remains at its current location, an old Volkswagen garage which is awaiting demolition.
Bettina Brunner has written a conversation between herself and Dan Graham based on interviews and the artist's writings concerning architecture and space. Dan Graham – Against the "Neutrality of Surface" is presented as dialogue transcribed in a booklet. Bettina is Exhibitions Co-ordinator at the BFI and a regular contributor to Frieze Magazine and Springerin.
Kathy Noble has reviewed an imaginary exhibition, addressing authenticity through performance and re-performance. To Be Real is presented as a page photocopied from an art magazine. Kathy is a writer and Assistant Curator at Tate Modern.
Francesco Pedraglio has imagined a possible future for Auto-Italia as an underground political movement who are forced into hiding and adapt physical features of the building for communication and surveilance. This is presented in the form of an audio guide. Francesco co-founded the curatorial project space FormContent, edits the quarterly fanzine The Mock and other superstitions, and is a London editor for Kaleidoscope.